
Roblox Developers Dismiss Rumors about their Game Facing a Permanent Shutdown

Roblox Developers Dismiss Rumors about their Game Facing a Permanent Shutdown on Blog

It appears that the rumors circulating on the Internet about Roblox being closed down for good for the lack of funding are nothing but a joke started by a prank news website. In fact, the developers say it could not be further from the truth, as the game is currently enjoying its peak popularity with over 100 million monthly active players and, last August, was even able to leave behind its main rival – Minecraft.

What Makes Roblox So Popular?

Roblox is a celebrated MMO platform, whose global community numbers in millions of fans. People come here to explore their creativity and try their hand at crafting custom games or just to enjoy playing what other users have created. The platform even allows emerging game designers to make money by selling game passes to each other. The payouts to Roblox game creators totaled nearly $65 million in 2018, and the last year’s numbers, when they are finally made public, are expected to beat that.

The company representatives add that, if anything, they are planning to expand the game further.

Hannah Paul
Nerdy book club member. Games and cats lover

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