
Rainbow Six Quarantine Here Before March 31, 2020

Rainbow Six Quarantine Here Before March 31, 2020 on Blog

The next installment of the famous Rainbow Six series, originated by Tom Clancy, is about to arrive. At E3 2019 Ubisoft announced this game with no exact release date, promising it “in early 2020”. Not that we have the date now, but the expectation frame got a little narrower.

Co-op Over PVP

The plans the company spokespersons published so far imply that Rainbow Six Quarantine is planned for release before the current financial year is over. That is, “early” is limited by March 31, 2020. Of course, Ubisoft hardly expects the game to make any sales in less than one day (though formally it will comply), so the real release might be a bit sooner.

The upcoming installment is planned as a multiplayer PvE, unlike previous games with a PvP element prevailing. Not that we have never seen PvE in other Rainbow Six games; for example, it was present in Rainbow Six Siege Outbreak. Now, this mode probably seems a sufficient reason to draw a completely new game upon it.

The cooperative experience will need complete redesigning when it comes to this manner. This time Ubisoft puts cooperation above competition, and this is really something new to complete the experience.

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By the time of the release, Ubisoft will already have its Uplay+ streaming service active, and the game is planned to be available there as well for subscribers.

Mary Foster
Reader and thinker, Internet enthusiast, wannabe music and meme expert.

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