
Modern Warfare Game Mode Criticized by Clayster

Modern Warfare Game Mode Criticized by Clayster on Blog

The first Call of Duty League season will begin in January 2020. However, some experts have already started questioning the existing set of rules and game modes. James ‘Clayster’ Eubanks — one of the most prominent CoD aficionados of all time, has recently complained about the fan-favorite Hardpoint mode in the Modern Warfare game. 

Read on to find out what his frustration was all about. Meanwhile, we’d like to remind you that HesoGames is the go-to video game review platform where you will find brilliant reviews from professional game experts. Feel free to switch to the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare review right after you’re through reading this post. Bookmark our blog to keep track of the updates we make on a regular basis.

Criticizing CoD: What’s ‘Clay’ Got to Do With It? 

So, getting back to ‘Clayster’ (or ‘Clay’) and his criticizing of the CoD: Modern Warfare Hardpoint game mode. The incident took place when the guy and his friends experienced an erratic respawn bug. Upon noticing the bug, they decided to quit playing the game. The problem emerged because the ‘Capture Team Spawn Delay’ setting was improperly adjusted. Clayster, who is the two-time CoD world champion, finally said that releasing a game when one of its modes didn’t even function properly was not very wise. 

CoD Modern Warfare: What Are Your Thoughts?

Have you ever experienced any bugs or inconsistencies while playing Modern Warfare? Would you like to become a Call of Duty world champion one day? Let us know your thoughts and ideas to get the discussion going in the comment box below. Feel free to explore our regularly updated blog and come back to our website whenever you feel hungry for all-things-gaming.

Hannah Paul
Nerdy book club member. Games and cats lover

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