
The Ubisoficent Seven: The Greatest Announces by Ubisoft at E3 2019

The Ubisoficent Seven: The Greatest Announces by Ubisoft at E3 2019 on Blog

Being a giant in its own sort, Ubisoft now becomes a little more, and that’s the leitmotif of its E3 day. From just a developer (though a big one) to a player in a bigger game, with new services, stores, and, of course, new titles. That’s what Ubisoft is about in 2019, and it’s on the right way. Let’s see what exactly it’s going to deliver soon. Luckily, the company was sharp and exact about their releases, telling most of what we want.

Uplay Plus: The Word of the Day – Subscription

Uplay Plus screenshot

The one who first offered subscription mode for games was the one who shot the start gun, and the gold rush began. Ubisoft also introduces a subscription system for its customers, based on its already functional Uplay store.

The subscription service is named Uplay Plus, and its price is just $14.99/month. For this sum the subscribers will receive access to new games, premium DLC packs, premium editions of the games, and much more. Some of the releases below, including Watch Dogs: Legion, will be available within Uplay Plus too. The overall number of games covered is 100+.

The ambition is high, and it will encourage Ubisoft to go further, like Valve did once. Of course, now this field isn’t as empty, but there is always something to invent.

Gods and Monsters: From Assassin’s Creed Makers

Gods and Monsters screenshot

Not that this title has been a big surprise before, but the presentation shed some new light upon it. Gods and Monsters (despite title being too simple) is drawn upon Ancient Greek mythology, and the protagonist is a young god from Olympus, fighting the monsters that try to invade the Mountain of Gods.

The story must be loosely based on Gigantomachia, one of the most epis myths of the ancients. It used to be codenamed “Orpheus”, but hardly will it be really based on Orpheus and Euridice story; we rather expect something like God of War. The game will be released on February 25th, 2020, for PC, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and – yes – Google Stadia.

Roller Champions: A New Franchise on A Roll

Roller Champions gameplay

We haven’t seen really good sporting simulators for long, and Roller Champions is hurrying to the rescue. It’s an arena game, reminding of Rocket League or of the sports practiced in Cameron’s Alita. Probably the game will be free to play and offer no advantage for money, so you will only be able to buy customized looks. The release date is somewhere in 2020.

Watch Dogs: Legion Arrives in March

Watch Dogs: Legion gameplay

Watch Dogs is one of the most popular series by Ubisoft now, and its third installment was inevitable. We’re in post-Brexit Orwellian London, stuffed with cameras and drones; the protagonist represents hacker group resisting the new order. In this game you’ll be able to recruit other people and act via NPCs. The futuristic action looks like a high-budget movie.

The Division 2 Takes You Back to NYC

The Division 2 screenshot

Tom Clancy’s games are a special kind, and the last three continue the tradition of this techno-thriller master. The Division 2 gets more DLC with at least three new episodes. The first of them is a search quest; you’ll need to find the President of the United States and the leader of the Resistance in various biomes of Washington National Zoo. The second takes you to the Pentagon, where you resist the havoc provoked by The Black Tusks. Restore the order and fight the crisis, defend the Pentagon and don’t expose classified data! Little is known about the third episode, but it will be located in New York, like the original game.

Elite Squad: a New Tom Clancy’s Mobile Title

Elite Squad screenshot


This one, also initially inspired by Tom Clancy, is a mobile title, an RPG that combines lore of The Division, Rainbow Six, The Division, Splinter Cell, and Ghost Recon. The protagonist of the crossover is Sam Fisher, the one of the latter two. There will be multiplayer battles and real-time shooting, so it will probably require powerful devices. The monetization model is so far unknown.

Rainbow Six Quarantine: Confirmed
Rainbow Six Quarantine banner

And another title from Tom Clancy’s universe is promised: Rainbow Six Quarantine. This one is a self-sufficient game, though it will probably utilize the same co-op mode that we’ve seen in Outbreak. The antagonist is a technological parasite, and the players will cooperate against it. The release date is still undefined, but the platforms are announced: PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Ubisoft Über Alles?

Despite Ubisoft’s obvious attempt to be something greater than it is now, its world still seems hermetic, without a real breakthrough. Probably streaming services and third-party games in store may change the situation. Still, its techno-thrillers and rich action games are unlikely to lose popularity, as it’s the sort of adrenalizing entertainment that’s always demanded. But we’d really see Ubisoft overcoming its niche.

Hannah Paul
Nerdy book club member. Games and cats lover

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