The Most Important Things Nintendo Announced at E3 2019 Conference

A company like Nintendo has a hard work to do: it has to bring new topics almost daily, and on special occasions, it should show batches. So it happened on E3 2019, where Japanese giant, the third force of the gaming world, showed what it was up to. Let’s see the loudest announces by Nintendo.
Some of them could have been better, of course, but there are still lots of titles and updates we’re seriously eager to see as soon as the day comes.
Link’s Awakening Is Finally Scheduled
One of the most famous games from Zelda series has been waiting for a complete reboot for long. Link’s Awakening is quite a good candidate to be remade, and it’s been enriched by new tasks and dungeons as well as revamped visuals. You’ll also be able to design your own dungeons. The most important is that the game is scheduled on September, 20th. The platform is Nintendo Switch only.
Breath of the Wild Will Receive a Sequel
Another Zelda game, a high-praised Breath of the Wild, is to be continued. Nothing did Nintendo say about its narrative, visuals, or release date. There was just a little presentation video, and it shows that the next Breath of the Wild (we don’t even know its codename, let alone release name) will be much darker than the original.
Luigi’s Mansion Gets a Sequel
The third installment in Luigi’s Mansion series will feature the characters we all well know, from Luigi and his more famous brother to Princess Peach and other dwellers of Super Mario universe. Now Luigi is the protagonist, and the hi-tech exorcist, something like a ghostbuster. The gameplay is something of a physical puzzle with a storyline, and the atmosphere is both dark and funny. And there will be local multiplayer, with one player as Luigi, and one as his alter-ego. Luigi’s Mansion 3 will be released for Switch in 2019.
Resident Evil Resides on Switch Even Stronger
The fans of the franchise have a lot to play on Switch in this universe, but this fall there will be more. The remakes of Resident Evil 5 and 6 are scheduled to be released on Switch this autumn. These aren’t the most popular games of the series, but the collection would have been incomplete without them.
Another Classics Remade: Panzer Dragoon for Switch
Nuff said: Panzer Dragoon is the game that kept Sega Saturn afloat for some time, and now it’s remade for Nintendo Switch. The visuals are just as stunning today as the original game was for its time. The gameplay remains almost intact: it’s still a rail shooter in futuristic setting.
New Fighters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Any successful game character by Nintendo will sooner or later appear in Super Smash Bros., no exceptions. The newcomers will arrive from Dragon Quest (its protagonist will join in the summer) and Banjo-Kazooie, the shapeshifter from which is expected to come in the autumn.
The Witcher goes The Switcher
This time The Witcher 3 gets portable as it’s finally released for Nintendo Switch. There will be something to play while Cyberpunk 2077 is on the way. Though Geralt’s story is already familiar to those on other platforms, Switch owners will surely enjoy it. The release date is somewhere in 2019.
Pokémon Sword and Shield to Support Pokéball Plus
If you switched from Pokémon Let’s Go to newer titles from the same universe, your Pokéball Plus won’t be just wasted: you can use it to bring critters to this world out of the game universe, walk them, and earn bonuses this way. Alas, it won’t be useful as a controller, due to different game mechanics.
No More Heroes 3 Will Be There
No More Heroes 2 was a hit, and finally Goichi Suda announces the real sequel after a bit disappointing spinoff. The gameplay is quite strange, with flying mechs and futuristic visuals. The release is scheduled in 2020.
Cadence of Hyrule Adopted and Released
This musical spinoff of Zelda series was initially introduced by independent developers, but now it’s officially adopted. And yes, it’s available on Switch since June 13th. This must encourage third party developers to invade famous universes.
Animal Crossing for Switch Under Production
New Horizons, the upcoming Animal Crossing installment, was planned for release in 2019, but it took more work than expected. No wonder: as we see from the video showed by developers, the game is really beautiful, creating a place with friendly animals where you would really want to live. The release date is confirmed: it’s March 20th, 2020.
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Inspired by Final Fantasy
This combination would be great for those into both Final Fantasy and The Dark Crystal. Little is known about the upcoming game, but it seems one of the biggest hits to come. We haven’t seen a really game-changing turn-based strategy for long.
Daemon X Machina Release Date Confirmed
The mech action game called Demon X Machina was in production last year, and this year Nintendo confirms it. Nothing seems to have changed, but the release is soon: September 13th.
More Monsters: Dauntless and Alien: Isolation Are Switch-ported
These two games share the idea of an extraterrestrial monster, and they haven’t been released on Switch before this year, but it’s all they have in common. Alien: Isolation is a survival horror inspired by the original movie, and the xenomorph is much smarter than humans in the latest movies of the franchise. And Dauntless is a monster-hunting online game that has been playable on PC before.
The Reason to Switch?
Well, many of these games are very attractive, but are they a reason to buy Switch if you haven’t done it before? This presentation implies that you should, but there should be another question: do you share Nintendo gaming philosophy? If yes, then yes. If no, then there’s no mind changer.
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