
Stay Calm! A Bugged Emote Can Ruin Your Fortnite Game!

Stay Calm! A Bugged Emote Can Ruin Your Fortnite Game! on Blog

It’s one of the most attractive features of Fortnite to express your emotions with so-called emotes. But the recent update has one of them bugged up so much that its glitch may cost you a victory.

It’s always been so much fun to dance your victory, rage, joy, or excitement. Emotes are the warrior’s dances, variable, easy to use, and versatile without translation – the living emoji. But lately one of them got really dangerous – not for the enemy, but for yourself.

Not that it’s the first emote glitch ever in Fortnite, but the earlier ones just showed some strange picture without affecting the gameplay. Not the case with this glitch, alas. One of the first victims described the situation. He dropped into the Retail Row, grabbed some early loot and from a distance shot one enemy, so he wanted to dance the Switchstep emote. The result was astonishing: the character got glued to the floor and couldn’t move. The camera, though, remained mobile. In addition, the weapons picked were gone.

The freeze lasted for about 10 seconds – more than enough to get killed. So, before dancing your victory, remember that an awkward choice can make you a still target. The connection between a certain emote, a certain skin, and the server condition is unclear yet. Official comments from Epic are yet to be said.

Steve Nielsen
Technosexual; loves soccer, pizza, and TV shows.

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