
New Battlemode in Doom Eternal from id Software

New Battlemode in Doom Eternal from id Software on Blog

Bethesda and id Software presented a new component of Doom Eternal's multiplayer: a “Battlemode” regime. It's introduced at PAX East, and it looks like an incredibly amusing arena with a range of challenges. We can't wait to try it!

Battles will take place in a two against one format — one player controls the Doom Slayer and the other two play as hostile demons. There are six maps, and each of them is designed to provide a dynamic and entertaining battle.

Doom Slayer has to use its resources wisely. The “triumphal kill” will return part of the vital energy, arson of the demons will provide additional armor, and killing with a chainsaw will replenish ammunition. The goal of Doom Slayer is to kill both opponents. After the destruction of one of the demons, a timer will appear to kill the rest. Otherwise, the first will be reborn.

At the beginning of the match, five types of demons will be available. Each of them has different skills. To defeat Doom Slayer, players who play the role of infernal animals will be forced to work together on their tactics and competently use their talents. Share this post with your friends and test the new "Battlemode" together. Comment on your impression and subscribe to keep track of new games.

Steve Nielsen
Technosexual; loves soccer, pizza, and TV shows.

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