
How to Delete a Roblox Account

How to Delete a Roblox Account on Blog

Any Roblox player might someday think whether it’s worth so much time (and probably money). If you’re not intending to earn on Roblox projects, you may ask yourself a question: how to delete your Roblox account? Heh, it turns out not so simple as, say, on Facebook. But still, there are ways to leave this addictive world.

The Official No

If you visit the FAQ section on the official Roblox site, you will find nothing but disappointment. You are not the only one wondering how to delete a Roblox account; and officially there is no way. You can just stop playing and using it; that’s what Roblox officials cynically say. They know well that one does not simply walk out of Roblox.

So are you with it forever (or until Roblox goes broke)? Luckily, no. There are ways to get your account deleted or deactivated. Some of them may not be so decent, but still efficient.

If You Want Roblox out of Your Life

Roblox picture 1

My name is Rob, and I am a Robloxaholic – is this how it goes? If you decided just to get some life and quit this inexhaustible platform, then there are several ways. The first option is (as said above) just not to play anymore. If you decide to train your will this way, we’d recommend you spend several days playing all the Roblox games you may ever like. You won’t explore them all, of course; but you will get fed up, and that helps when you’re quitting.

The second way is making your account inaccessible for anyone, and first of all for yourself. The best thing you can do for it is this:

  1. Create a new email. The name doesn’t matter: you will only use it once. You can get a temporary email service to get an address that only exists for an hour.
  2. Change the email in your Roblox account, following the official instruction. Replace your current one with the temporary mail you just created.
  3. Change your password. Generate a new random one you cannot just remember. You may use services like Passwords Generator (by the way, it has its own disposable email service).
  4. Make sure your browser does not remember the password.

If you do it all correctly, your account will become inaccessible for you forever. You don’t remember the password. You don’t have it stored. And you cannot replace it, because the email used in your profile just doesn’t exist anymore. Probably in a year of inactivity, it will be deleted, as Roblox checks all its users and cleans its databases.

Of course, you can use other sites for temporary emails and random passwords. If your aim is blocking your account from yourself irreversibly, any service like this will do.

And don’t forget to delete the app from your mobile or desktop. There is nothing specific about how to delete Roblox on Mac, Windows PC, iOS, or Android: uninstalling it is similar to uninstalling any other app.

If You Want Your Life out of Roblox

Well, and what if you want to remove your profile because of personal data or comments you have left there? There are several manual ways how to delete Roblox, recommended by the platform itself:

  • Call the customer service by the number 888-858-BLOX and tell them you want your account deleted.
  • Email the customer service: [email protected]

In both situations, you will need to confirm your identity. It may be a problem (though we don’t even want to guess why).

Well, there is another way to get yourself out of Roblox. If they don’t want to reward you with it, okay, let them punish you with it. Of course, we mean a deliberate terms violation.

Did you ever want to tell someone what you think about them, in the rudest words? Do it. Do you want to be an online bully? The time is now. Going kamikaze is always destructive, but it also provides freedom. You may have to step up some moral lines, but that’s the most efficient sort of Roblox suicide. Just make sure your behavior will be reported to moderators. So, select your targets wisely.

Now You’re Free

We wish you a happy life, with or without Roblox (or any other service you wanted to get rid of). But beware. Creating another account is easy, and it requires no tricks like those above.

Alina Burns
Wordlover, sketch artist and aesthetics admirer.

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