
A Retro-Styled Game Knights and Bikes Hits PS4 and PC on August 27th

A Retro-Styled Game Knights and Bikes Hits PS4 and PC on August 27th on Blog

Another retro-styled game hits the most popular console and the most popular desktop platform on August 27, 2019. This game features two protagonists, Demelza and Nessa, traveling around Britain in the 1980s and always running into some adventures.

This Is So 1980s

This era provides a long-time inspiration for authors of movies, TV series, and, of course, games. This time 1980s are both the source of ideas and the setting. Knights and Bikes would have made a great buddy adventure movie. Or rather a cartoon, according to its hand-drawn visuals.

Secrets of nature and hidden treasures, mysterious monsters, and frisbees as weapons, and the most unexpected combinations of knights and bikes are awaiting on your way. If you don’t hate this style at first sight, you are sure to love it later.


The game has been designed by just two people: Moo Yu and Rex Crowle. The duo is quite experienced, though: they made games like Ratchet & Clank and LittleBigPlanet. The publisher that recognized a potential hit is Double Fine Presents, the one by Double Fine that created Gang Beasts, Everything, and other unusual hits.

If you remember Gang Beasts, the game that shows us anthropomorphic gangster animals fighting in the least suitable places, you can imagine what degree of madness this studio is about. You can be sure: Knights and Bikes is just as crazy.

Hannah Paul
Nerdy book club member. Games and cats lover

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