Hyper Dungeon Crawler
Requirements to run this game Windows PC
Minimum | Recommended | |
OS: | Windows 7 or later (32/64bit) | |
Processor: | 1.5GHz | |
Memory: | 512 MB RAM | |
Graphics: | Intel HD | |
Storage: | 100 MB available space |
Requirements to run this game Mac
Minimum | Recommended | |
OS: | MacOS 10.7 or later (64bit) | |
Processor: | 1.5GHz | |
Memory: | 512 MB RAM | |
Graphics: | Intel HD | |
Storage: | 100 MB available space |
Requirements to run this game Linux
Minimum | Recommended | |
OS: | Ubuntu 14 or later (32/64bit) | |
Processor: | 1.5GHz | |
Memory: | 512 MB RAM | |
Graphics: | Intel HD | |
Storage: | 100 MB available space |